Mass without an MC
When there is not an MC serving, the duties of the MC generally fall to the crucifer.
At the Entrance, the crucifer collects the birettas from the celebrant and deacon. This requires the elimination of the “hinge movement”. When the crucifer and torch bearers enter the chancel the crucifer immediately turns to put away the processional cross. He then stands in front of the cross until the ministers have passed and follows the celebrant to the altar steps. There he collects the birettas and moves to his position at the foot of the altar.
If there is a thurifer and censing of the altar, the crucifer holds the altar missal during the censings.
At the Gospel Procession, the acolyte moves the altar missal to the Gospel side before taking up the Gospel book.
The crucifer holds the paten for the deacon during the Communion of the Faithful.
The crucifer moves the altar missal back to the Epistle side at the completion of the ablutions.