Purification of sacred vessels
An acolyte may purify the sacred vessels, usually after mass. Additionally, the acolyte should know how properly to clean up after spills of the sacred species.
For ablutions at the altar, the acolyte first ensures that any remaining hosts are placed in the ciborium to be placed in the tabernacle.
He then removes all remaining vessels to the credence table or the sacristy for purification after mass.
If he is to purify a chalice or intinction cup, he should consume what remains of the Precious Blood. Using a purificator, he then lightly brushes any fragments into the chalice.
At the purification the acolyte may pray silently: "Grant, O Lord, that what we have taken with our mouth we may receive with a pure heart; and from a temporal gift may it become to us an everlasting remedy."
In the case of a spill of the Sacred Species, if it is the Host, the minister picks up and consumes the Sacrament immediately; if the spill is of the Precious Blood, the minister covers the spill with a purificator, so that the Sacred Species is absorbed. Then a damp towel should be placed on the area of the spill.