Part of the Eucharistic Prayers, chanted by the celebrant, just after the Sursum Corda and before the Sanctus.
The celebrant chooses from a number of prefaces provided in the altar missal. The selected Preface is marked with a yellow ribbon.
The Preface always begins with:
It is truly meet, right, and our bounden duty...
It always concludes with:
THEREFORE, with Angels and Archangels, and with all the company of heaven, we laud and magnify thy glorious Name; ever more praising thee, and saying,...
This is the cue for the torch bearers to exit the vestry with their torches.
The missal provides different prefaces, appropriate to the day and season. DWM (pg.s 576-635
Preface I of the the Lord's Day: God the Father
Preface II of the Lord's Day: God the Son
Preface III of the Lord's Day: God the Holy Spirit
Preface of Advent
Preface of the Incarnation
Preface of the Epiphany
Preface of Pre-Lent and Lent
Preface of Lent
Preface of Passiontide
Preface of Holy Week
Preface of Easter
Preface of the Ascension
Preface of Pentecost
Preface of Trinity Sunday
Preface of the Body and Blood of Christ - Holy Eucharist
Preface of the Sacred Heart
Preface of Christ the King
Preface for the Dedication of a Church
Preface of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Preface of Saint Joseph
Preface of Saint John the Baptist
Preface of the Apostles
Preface I of the Saints
Preface II of the Saints
Preface III of the Saints
Preface of All Saints
Preface of Holy Baptism
Preface of Holy Matrimony
Preface for the Commemoration of the Dead
Common Preface