Palm Sunday - Sung Mass
Preparations before mass
Place a table with white cloth, palms and aspersorium in the main aisle of the nave, just inside the church, all covered with an oxblood red cloth
The processional cross is UNVEILED with the palms attached
"Ox Blood" red vestments are worn by sacred ministers
Blessing of Palms
Mass begins with blessing of Palms at the back of the nave
The ushers pre-distribute the palms to the people in the congregation, leving some on the table for the servers and ministers
The sacred ministers stand facing the table with backs to the church entrance. The crucifer stands on the other side of the table facing back toward the church entrance. The candle bearers with lit processional candles are on either side of the table facing each other.
The acolyte removes the cloth covering the table
The choir sings the antiphon as the congregation rises and turns toward the back of the church
The acolyte holds the book for the celebrant and the deacon
After the antiphon, the celebrant chants the introduction and the prayer
Deacon intones the Palm Gospel while the acolyte holds the book
Blessing of palms
Prayer of blessing over the branches
3 aspersions of holy water
Celebrant sprinkles the palms held by the people walking up and down the aisle during the chanting of an appropriate psalm from DWM or Graduale
Blessed palms are kissed as received
Form usual entrance procession while singing All Glory Laud & Honor