
The Temporale is the calendar of feasts that move dates from year to year.

The Temporale for the Ordinariate of the Chair of St Peter includes:


  • First Sunday of Advent

  • Second Sunday of Advent

  • Third Sunday of Advent

  • Fourth Sunday of Advent (Can be as late as December 24th)


  • The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas, December 25th)

  • First Sunday in the Octave of Christmas: The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph (if no Sunday in the Octave, observed on Dec 30th)

  • Octave Day of Christmas: Solemnity of Mary the Holy Mother of God (January 1st)

  • Second Sunday after Christmas (not needed in all cycles)


  • The Epiphany of the Lord: Manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles (In the Ordinariate on transferred from January 6th to the Sunday between January 2nd and 8th)

  • The Baptism of the Lord (Sunday after Epiphany, or Monday January 8th or 9th if Epiphany is on 7th or 8th)

  • Second Sunday after Epiphany (Observed on the Sunday after Epiphany if Baptism of the Lord is observed on a Monday)

  • Third Sunday after Epiphany (not needed in all cycles)

  • Fourth Sunday after Epiphany (not needed in all cycles)

  • Fifth Sunday after Epiphany (not needed in all cycles)

  • Sixth Sunday after Epiphany (not needed in all cycles)


  • Third Sunday before Lent (Septuagesima)

  • Second Sunday before Lent (Sexagesima)

  • Sunday before Lent (Quinquagesima)


  • Ash Wednesday

  • First Sunday in Lent

  • Ember day (Wednesday)

  • Ember day (Friday)

  • Ember day (Saturday)

  • Second Sunday in Lent

  • Third Sunday in Lent

  • Fourth Sunday in Lent (Laetare Sunday, Mothering Sunday)

  • Fifth Sunday in Lent (Passion Sunday)

Holy Week

  • Palm Sunday

  • Monday of Holy Week

  • Tuesday of Holy Week

  • Wednesday of Holy Week

  • Maundy Thursday

  • Good Friday

  • Holy Saturday (Easter Eve)


  • Easter Sunday

  • Monday of Easter Week

  • Tuesday of Easter Week

  • Wednesday of Easter Week

  • Thursday of Easter Week

  • Friday of Easter Week

  • Saturday of Easter Week

  • Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy)

  • Third Sunday of Easter

  • Fourth Sunday of Easter

  • Fifth Sunday of Easter

  • Sixth Sunday of Easter (Rogation Sunday)

  • Rogation Monday

  • Rogation Tuesday

  • Rogation Wednesday

  • Ascension Day (Thursday of week six of Eastertide)

  • Seventh Sunday of Easter


  • Pentecost (Whitsunday)

  • Ember day (Wednesday)

  • Ember day (Friday)

  • Ember day (Saturday)


  • Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (Sunday after Pentecost)

  • Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ: Corpus Christi (First Sunday after Trinity)

  • Second Sunday after Trinity

  • Third Sunday after Trinity

  • Fourth Sunday after Trinity

  • Fifth Sunday after Trinity

  • Sixth Sunday after Trinity

  • Seventh Sunday after Trinity

  • Eighth Sunday after Trinity

  • Ninth Sunday after Trinity

  • Tenth Sunday after Trinity

  • Eleventh Sunday after Trinity

  • Twelfth Sunday after Trinity

  • Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity

  • Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity

  • Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity

  • Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity

  • Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity

  • Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity

  • Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity

  • Twentieth Sunday after Trinity

  • Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity

  • Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity

  • Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity (not needed in all cycles)

  • Twenty-fourth Sunday after Trinity (not needed in all cycles)

  • Twenty-fifth Sunday after Trinity (not needed in all cycles)

  • Twenty-sixth Sunday after Trinity (not needed in all cycles)

  • Twenty-seventh Sunday after Trinity (not needed in all cycles)

  • Twenty-eighth Sunday after Trinity (not needed in all cycles)

  • Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe (last Sunday of the year)

  • Ember day (Wednesday after 14th September)

  • Ember day (Friday after 14th September)

  • Ember day (Saturday after 14th September)

  • Ember day (Wednesday after 13th December)

  • Ember day (Friday after 13th December)

  • Ember day (Saturday after 13th December)