Also known as:
Also known as:
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
This is a solemnity that is celebrated on August 15th, and is a Holy Day of Obligation
This solemnity is held in special regard as the Anniversary of the Dedication of our sister parish, Our Lady of the Atonement in San Antonio.
The liturgical color is white (or blue)
The setting of the mass is Willan
The Proper of the mass is at DWM pg. 806
Note that there are two separate mass propers for the Vigil mass (DWM pg. 806) and the mass During the Day (DWM pg. 808)
The Gloria and the Creed are said
As a solemnity, the readings are intoned at the solemn mass (the Epistle by the acolyte if possible). At other masses the acolyte reads the Epistle.
The Preface is the Preface of the Blessed Virgin Mary - "in the Assumption" (DWM pg. 612)