Acolyte at Solemn Mass
The acolyte assists the celebrant and deacon at the altar, performing many of the duties formerly assigned to the subdeacon in the traditional Roman Rite.
As a general principle, he is mindful of the hierarchy of service: the deacon serves the celebrant, and the acolyte serves the deacon. During mass, the acolyte should leave supervision of the other servers largely to the MC and focus his attention on the celebrant and deacon. This includes familiarizing himself with the individual preferences of each priest when celebrating, especially arrangement of ribbons in the missal, pointing the missal, turning the pages of the missal, and holding the hem of the chasuble at censings. Before and after mass, however, he should be in the vestry with the MC and the other servers, not with the other ministers in the sacristy.
The acolyte traditionally reads the Epistle (in the English tradition, the acolyte was thus known as the “Epistoller). This is typical practice at the solemn mass at OLW (11:15am) on every Sunday, and at the other Sunday masses on solemnities.
The acolyte’s typical position (at the foot of the altar, at the altar, and at the sedilia) is on the celebrant’s left.
Before Mass
The acolyte vests in amice and alb and should check to make sure that the vessels and linens at the credence are arranged properly. He should likewise check to make sure that the Gospel is marked correctly in the evangeliary, that the lectionary is open to the first reading, and that the ribbons are in the right places in the altar missal (at the Ordinary, Prayers of the People, Penitential Rite, and Preface) .
He vests in a tunicle worn over his alb, matching the liturgical color of the day.
With the MC, the acolyte conducts the other servers to the sacristy for the Preparatory Prayers in the sacristy about five minutes before the beginning of mass.
The acolyte should collect the evangeliary from the sanctuary and take it with him to the Narthex for the Entrance Procession.
Entrance and Introductory Rites
For the Entrance Procession, the acolyte follows the choir (and concelebrants if there are any) and precedes the deacon.
The acolyte carries the evangeliary, holding it against his chest (not elevated) with the binding on the right.
Arriving at the foot of the altar, during the processional hymn, the acolyte steps to the left and waits for the other ministers.
When the celebrant and deacon arrive and genuflect, the acolyte bows to the altar (still holding the evangeliary).
At the Introit, the acolyte approaches the altar with the celebrant and deacon, then turns and places the evangeliary on its table. He then returns to his place at the altar on the celebrant's left.
He holds the edge of the celebrant’s chasuble during the first censing of the altar, genuflecting with the celebrant and deacon, and moving fully down the gospel side of the altar when the celebrant censes that end.
At the end of the censing he stands at the deacon's left side (at the epistle side of the altar) while the deacon censes the celebrant, bowing before and after to the celebrant.
After the censing, the acolyte moves back to the celebrant's left at the altar for the Opening Acclamation.
The acolyte remains at the altar with the celebrant and deacon for the Kyrie, Gloria, and Collect. As a general principle, when the celebrant turns to address the congregation the acolyte and deacon make a quarter turn to face each other, standing at either end of the altar. At the Collect the acolyte remains in this position while the celebrant moves to read from the missal.
Liturgy of the Word
For the Readings, the acolyte goes with the celebrant and deacon to the sedilia and he sits to the left of the celebrant.
If the acolyte reads the Epistle, he rises at the last verse of the psalm, genuflects in the center of the chancel, and proceeds to the lectern.
After the Epistle, the acolyte goes to the foot of the altar with the celebrant, deacon and MC, and genuflects.
The acolyte then moves up to the footpace simultaneously with the MC and takes up the Gospel Book.
He then moves along the side of the sanctuary (not across) to stand at the foot of the altar, facing liturgical south.
The acolyte hands the Gospel Book to the deacon and then takes his place behind the deacon (in front of the thurifer) while the deacon receives the celebrant's blessing.
As everyone turns for the Gospel procession, the acolyte proceeds behind the thurifer, in front of the deacon.
Turning around at the first stained glass window, the acolyte holds the Gospel book while the deacon proclaims the Gospel.
Flanked by the candle bearers, the acolyte holds the open Gospel book for the deacon.
After the Gospel has been read, the acolyte lifts the book so the deacon can kiss it.
He then closes the Gospel and, carrying it as in the Entrance, moves with the candles up to the footpace. He bows to the altar, and returns the Gospel Book to its place; again moving to his left and up the side of the sanctuary (not up the middle or diagonally across).
After replacing the Gospel Book, the acolyte quickly joins the deacon in the chancel just inside the gate, and they genuflect together (ideally with the thurifer) and then go to their places at the sedilia for the homily.
After the homily, the acolyte rises and moves to the Gospel side of the chancel, just inside the gate, and waits for the celebrant, facing south.
When the homilist steps into the chancel, the acolyte on the moves with the other ministers to the foot of the altar where they genuflect and approach the altar for the Creed and Prayers of the People. If the missal is not already turned to the Creed, the acolyte quickly turns to it (using the second red tab from the bottom).
At the end of the Creed, the acolyte turns the pages to the Petitions (pink ribbon).
At the end of the Petitions, after the celebrant has said the concluding words, the acolyte turns the pages to the Penitential Rite (green ribbon).
For the blessings and announcements, the acolyte accompanies the celebrant and deacon to the chancel rail. The acolyte stands just inside the gate, on the gospel side, facing south.
Preparation of the Altar
After the Offertory Sentence, the acolyte accompanies the celebrant and deacon back to the foot of the Altar where they genuflect together. The acolyte then moves along the altar step (behind other ministers) and up the south wall of the sanctuary to the credence.
At the Offertory, the acolyte takes the veiled chalice to the altar. He then sets the intinctorium on the altar next to the chalice. He then takes up the thumb ciborium, removes the lid, and presents the ciborium to the deacon, putting the lid back on the credence afterward.
The acolyte prompts the crucifer in presenting the bread box to the deacon.
The acolyte prompts the crucifer to present the cruets to the deacon, standing to the west of the crucifer while facing the altar, essentially screening the crucifer from the people.
As the thurifer [and boat boy] step up to the footpace for the imposition and blessing of incense, the acolyte moves to his place at the Gospel end for the censations. He prompts the MC to take up the missal if necessary.
When the deacon gives the thurible to the celebrant, the acolyte holds the left edge of the celebrant’s chasuble for the censing of the oblations and the altar. He should hold the hem of the chasuble at a constant level, avoiding tugging on the celebrant's arm.
After the deacon censes the celebrant, the deacon hands the thurible to the acolyte who then censes the deacon, with two double-swings. The acolyte then hands the thurible to the thurifer who then censes the acolyte. After being censed, the acolyte returns to his place at the altar to begin pointing the Eucharistic Prayers.
Eucharistic prayers
As the celebrant begins the Pray Brethren, the acolyte turns the missal to the Ordinary (red ribbon).
Standing at the altar on the celebrant’s left, the acolyte points the Prayer Over the Gifts for the celebrant. He then turns the missal to the Preface (yellow ribbon).
He points the Preface for the celebrant and then, as the Sanctus begins, turns the pages to the Roman Canon (fourth red tab from the top)
He points each section of the Canon, turning the pages promptly as required.
At the Pre-consecration Epiclesis ("vouchsafe"), as the bell rings and the celebrant extends his hands over the elements, the acolyte kneels. He bows low at the words of consecration.
At each consecration, the acolyte looks up at the genuflection, adores at the elevation while signing the cross, and bows again at the second genuflection.
At the Second Intercession ("To us sinners also") the acolyte strikes his breast with the priest.
He stands with the other ministers as the celebrant bids the Mystery of Faith
He points the rest of the Canon. After the Per Ipsum he genuflects with the other ministers and then immediately turns the missal to the Our Father (front side of the red tab marked with a chalice).
Communion Rite
The acolyte bows with the celebrant and deacon during the concluding doxology of the Lord’s Prayer.
At the Peace, as the celebrant turns to the people, the acolyte faces south (toward the deacon). As the celebrant exchanges the Peace with the deacon, the acolyte moves behind the celebrant and meets the deacon in the center of the footpace to exchange the peace. He then returns to his place at the altar.
At the Fraction, the acolyte again genuflects with the other ministers.
He strikes his breast three times during the Agnus Dei (Lamb of God…).
The acolyte bows with the celebrant and deacon during the Prayer of Humble Access. At the end of the prayer he genuflects a third time with the other ministers.
As the celebrant turns toward to the people for the Domine, non sum dignus (Lord, I am not worthy…), the acolyte also turns and he signs the cross and adores when the celebrant shows the Sacred Species to the People. The acolyte strikes his breast three times at the Domine, non sum dignus (Lord, I am not worthy…).
He then turns back to face the altar as the celebrant does, and remains facing the altar until the celebrant has received the precious body.
He then crosses behind the celebrant, genuflecting in the middle, and proceeds to the credence. He takes up the communion patens, giving one of them to the MC, and then moving to the deacon's left side.
He holds the paten when the deacon communicates, and then he kneels, holding the paten for himself when he receives the Precious Body and Blood.
The acolyte holds the paten for the celebrant as he communicates the Epistle-side Servers, then the choristers and the people at the communion rail. He always remains on the celebrant's right, and maintains some space to avoid crowding the celebrant as he moves.
The acolyte holds the pix for the celebrant it is required.
The acolyte accompanies the celebrant into the nave if he needs to communicate someone there, always remaining at the celebrant's right hand.
He returns the paten to the altar after communion and takes the second paten from the MC. He genuflects with the other ministers after the tabernacle is closed.
The acolyte prompts the crucifer in serving the cruets for the ablutions. Again standing between the crucifer and the people, facing the altar.
The acolyte returns the purified patens and thumb ciborium to the credence.
He assists the deacon with the ablutions and helps place the corporal and key in the burse, setting then the burse on the veiled chalice and returning it to the credence.
He returns to his place at the altar, on the celebrant’s left, for the Prayer of Thanksgiving and post-communion collect.
The acolyte faces south when the celebrant is praying from the missal or facing the people. He turns with the celebrant whenever the celebrant faces the altar.
After the dismissal, the acolyte bows to the altar as the other ministers kiss it. He then moves to the foot of the altar with the other ministers, and remains facing the altar as the recessional hymn begins.
The acolyte genuflects with the celebrant and deacon, and then recesses out just behind the MC and in front of the deacon.
In the narthex, he kneels for the celebrant’s blessing.
The acolyte then assists the MC in taking the celebrant’s vestments which are then returned to the sacristy.
After mass, the acolyte assists the MC in making sure that the altar candles are properly extinguished by the torchbearers, that the servers neatly hang their cassocks and surplices, and that everything is tidy in the chancel and vestry.
At Mass without a Deacon
When the acolyte serves at mass without a deacon present, he will vest in cassock and surplice, and function in a manner similar to a MC.
During the Liturgy of the Word, he may be responsible for reading the epistle, for holding the Gospel Book, and for reciting The Prayers of the People (only Form III) (but not the Summary of the Law, nor the Comfortable Words).
At the Liturgy of the Eucharist, the acolyte may help in preparing the altar (if a burse and veil are used, then the celebrant should properly handle them), pointing the missal for the Eucharistic Prayers, removing the pall, and serving as an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion.