Per Ipsum

Also known as: By whom and with whom

The Doxology said by the celebrant at the end of the Canon of the Mass.

All servers should be kneeling during the Per Ipsum. The acolyte is standing and pointing the missal for the celebrant.

At the concluding "Amen" all should rise for the Our Father.

The acolyte should turn the missal to the Lord's Prayer at the beginning of the Communion Rite (DWM, pg. 649)

He takes the Host and Chalice, and raising both, he says:

BY whom and with whom and in whom, to thee, O Father Almighty, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, be all honour and glory throughout all ages, world without end.

The People respond: Amen.

The People stand

The Priest genuflects, rises, and continues with the Lord's Prayer.

DWM (pg. 643)