With the Saturday after Whitsunday we come to the end of the first half of the liturgical year. Traditional English usage numbers the Sundays of this season after Trinity Sunday. There can be as few as twenty-three and as many as twenty-eight Sundays after Trinity. On account of this variable number, Divine Worship the Missal appoints twenty-six Propers for the Sundays in Trinitytide. Proper 25 is for any additional Sundays after the Twenty-fourth. Proper 26 is appointed for Christ the King, the last Sunday of the liturgical year.
According to the modern Roman Rite, Ordinary Time resumes after Pentecost and continues through Saturday afternoon before the First Sunday of Advent. Christ the King is always designated the Thirty-Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time.
Mass Propers on weekdays of Trinitytide may be taken from the formula of the preceding Sunday.
Note that on ferial weekdays of Trinitytide, there is no Proper Preface; the presumption being the use of the Alternative Eucharistic Prayer (DWM 644) with its Common Preface. If the Roman Canon is used on a ferial weekday, then Preface I,II, or III should be selected.
See Ritual Notes for the following feasts and solemnities:
Rite of Ordination - Sts. Peter and Paul
Corpus Christi
Holy Cross Day
Solemnity of Our Lady of Walsingham
Rite of Institution as Acolyte
Christ the King