
Also known as: Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord

This solemnity occurs on the Thursday following the Sixth Sunday of Easter, and is a holy day of obligation

The liturgical color is whiter (or gold)

The setting of the mass is Willan

The Vidi aquam and rite of sprinkling. (See DWM pg. 1044).

Note that there are separate Mass propers for the Vigil of the Ascension (DWM pg. 456) and for Mass on the Day (DWM pg. 458)

As a solemnity, the readings are intoned at the solemn mass (the Epistle by the acolyte if possible). At other masses the acolyte reads the Epistle.

The Preface is the Preface of the Ascension (DWM pg. 598)

The Ascension form is used at the Communicantes (DWM pg. 638)

The Easter Dismissal is used through the Day of Pentecost (double 'Alleluia')