Verger at Solemn High Mass
When, according to local custom, a verger participates int the liturgy, he functions as a Master of Ceremonies in the nave. As such, he escorts processions through the nave, the Gospel procession into the nave, members of the choir to receive communion, and processions out of the nave to the outdoor shrine. At Evensong the verger also leads lectors to the lectern, but typically not at mass.
As a member of the congregation, he does not vest in white garments as a servant of the altar, but rather in a black cassock and the verger's gown along with the verge.
The verger holds the verge in the right hand while leading processions. When standing in place, he cradles the verge. When genuflecting or bowing, the verge may be cradled, or reclined onto the shoulder.
If the verger is to lead lectors to the lectern, he should find where they are seated before the liturgy, and discuss the liturgical action with him/them at that time. The verger should begin moving toward the lector at the end of the previous prayer/reading, so that they are in motion and near the lectern in a timely manner. Upon meeting the lector at his pew, the verger and lector bow to one another, and the verger leads the lector to the front of the nave, where the verger bids the lector to his left side, and they genuflect of bow together before moving to the lectern. Upon arrival at the lectern, the lector and verger face each other and bow. The verger stands in place through the reading and then escorts the lector back to his/her place.
For processions, the verger ensures that the servers and ministers are in order and then leads the procession along its course. The verger is to ensure all is correct, but he should keep his movements to a minimum.
Ordinarily, the verger sits in the nave. His chair may be placed in close proximity to the lectern.