The Blessing (at mass)
Blessing of the people by the celebrant at the end of mass.
Occurs just after the Prayer after Communion and just before the Dismissal
Servers should be kneeling at the Blessing, and sign the cross as appropriate.
When the Bishop is celebrating he will typically use the pontifical blessing.When the celebrant is not the Bishop, this standard form is used:
Turning to the People, the Priest says:
People: And with thy spirit.
Turning back to the altar, the Priest says:
He kisses the altar and, turning to the People, making the Sign of the Cross over them, he says:
People: Amen
DWM (pg. 656)
The Lord be with you.
People: And with thy spirit.
Turning back to the altar, the Priest says:
The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge of God, and of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord;
He kisses the altar and, turning to the People, making the Sign of the Cross over them, he says:
and the blessing + of God almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, be amongst you and remain with you always.
People: Amen
DWM (pg. 656)