Lent I
Also known as: The First Sunday in Lent
In the liturgical calendar, this is the first of six Sundays in the season of Lent.
The liturgical color is violet (or "purple").
Images are veiled, except for the crucifix above the altar.
The Litany is sung in procession at the solemn mass. (See DWM 1061). If the procession begins in the nave it follows a figure-8 pattern through the nave, moving into the chancel at the words “all women in childbirth”.
If the procession begins at the outdoor shrine, it proceed through the cloisters to the entrance to the church, and then straight through the nave as usual.
Following the Litany, mass continues with the Introit, Kyrie and Collect. The Collect for Purity and Summary of the Law are omitted.
The Proper of the mass is at DWM pg. 238.
The Gloria is omitted at all masses during Lent.
Alleluias are omitted.
The appointed Tract is used at the Gospel acclamation. The altar party remains (standing) in the chancel stalls until about halfway through the tract.
When the Litany begins the liturgy, the Prayers of the People and the usual Penitential Rite are omitted. Mass moves from the Creed directly to the announcements and blessings. At other masses (ie not the solemn mass), these are said as usual)
The celebrant, rather than the deacon, says the Prayers of the People, using Form 1 (See DWM pg. 1048)
The Preface is the Preface of Lent (DWM pg. 588)
Trisagion may be sung during the Communion of the Faithful, before the Communion Antiphon.
The Prayer over the People is said before the Blessing and Dismissal.