Ritual notes

The duties of the individual servers vary somewhat across the different services. Therefore it is important to be familiar with the detailed ritual notes for each service and role.

Ritual notes for the different masses and other services are provided on the following pages:

  • Standard Sunday masses - Detailed notes for the entire standard Sunday mass, including its typical variations (eg solemn mass, pontifical mass, etc)

  • Specific Sundays - Details specific to individual Sundays throughout the liturgical year

  • Holy days - Details specific to individual Holy Days other than Sundays

  • Other liturgies - Notes for services other than a Sunday or Holy Day mass, including masses for special occasions and liturgies outside of mass (eg, Evening prayer, Chrism Mass, Wedding mass, Eucharistic Procession, etc)

  • Specific actions - More details for specific actions performed at mass (eg candle lighting, reverences, etc)

  • Individual servers - Notes specific to each of the server roles (eg, thurifer, crucifer, etc) at the Sunday mass