Corpus Christi
Also known as:
Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, First Sunday after Trinity
This solemnity is traditionally celebrated on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday, but now typically observed on the following Sunday.
The liturgical color is white (or gold)
The setting of the mass is typically Willan.
The Proper of the mass is at DWM pg. 552
The readings at the solemn mass are intoned, the Epistle by the acolyte if possible. At other masses the acolyte reads the Epistle.
There is a sequence before the Gospel: Lauda Sion – Hymnal 193i. All remain standing at their places until the 4-5th verse, then the Gospel party forms.
The Preface is the the Preface of the Precious Body and Blood of Christ - Holy Eucharist (see DWM pg. 604)
At the end of the solemn mass, the Blessing and Dismissal are omitted. Immediately after the Post Communion the altar party prepares the for the Eucharistic Procession and Solemn Benediction at the outdoor shrine. (See detailed ritual notes on eucharistic procession).