Mysterium fidei
Also known as: Mystery of Faith, Memorial Acclamation
Also known as: Mystery of Faith, Memorial Acclamation
Proclamation by the celebrant with a sung response by the people.
During the Canon of the Mass, just after the Consecration and before the Anamnesis.
At Our Lady of Walsingham, the third form of the Mystery of Faith is usually used.
At the Mystery of Faith the acolyte should be standing, all other servers kneeling.
Then he sings or says:
The mystery of faith:
And the people, or Choir, continue, acclaiming:
We proclaim thy Death, O Lord,
and profess thy Resurrection
until thou come again.
or this:
When we eat this Bread and drink this cup,
we proclaim they Death, O Lord,
until thou come again.
or this:
O Saviour of the world,
who by thy Cross and precious Blood hast redeemed us:
save us and help us, we humbly beseech thee, O Lord.
DWM (pg. 641)