Mary Mother of God
Also known as:
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God; Octave Day of Christmas; Holy Name of Jesus; Feast of the Circumcision
Mary Mother of God is a solemnity and a holy day of obligation on January 1st.
It is usually observed with a solemn mass on the Vigil at 6:30pm and a said mass on the 1st.
The liturgical color is typically blue.
The setting of the mass is Willan.
The Creche remains in the middle of the chancel.
The Proper of the mass is at DWM pg. 194
As a solemnity, the readings are intoned at the solemn mass (the Epistle by the acolyte if possible). At other masses the acolyte reads the Epistle.
The Preface is the Preface of the Incarnation (DWM pg. 584)
The proper formula is used at the Communicantes (DWM pg. 638)
The Last Gospel is said at the end of all masses (until Feb 2nd). The acolyte should stand up the framed copy of the Last Gospel, at the North end of the altar, during the dismissal. The celebrant reads the Last Gospel while the acolyte and deacon stand at the ends of the altar facing inward.. All servers stand for the Last Gospel, genuflecting at "and the Word was made Flesh"
At the Vigil Mass on December 31, it would be appropriate to conclude Mass with a Solemn Te Deum of thanksgiving for the past year.
At the end of the Mass on January 1, it would be good to conclude with the singing of the Veni Creator.