Good Friday Ritual Notes

Also known as: The Celebration of the Passion and Death of Our Lord

Proper: DWM 357

Scheduled time for confession from 12:00 Noon-3:00 P.M.

Midday Prayer at 12:00 Noon; Stations of the Cross at 1:00 P.M.; Via Matris/Pleading of the Passion/Meditations on the Seven Last Words of Christ at 2:00 P.M.; Liturgy of Good Friday at 3:00 P.M.

The vestments are black. The Priest wears a cope, with a chasuble and maniple placed on the chancel screen. There are no concelebrants today; therefore, no other priest wears the chasuble, but only choir dress and black stole.

The altar should be completely bare, without cloths or candles; all is veiled in black.

The lights in the church are off.

The Liturgy begins in silence

The Invitation, “Let us pray”, is omitted at the Collect of the Day

The narrative reading of the Passion Gospel is said according to the rubrics at DWM 358

Adoration of the Holy Cross occurs according to Form II (DWM 377)

The hymn "Vexilla Regis" is sung as the Sacrament is brought from the Altar of Repose.

A server sounds the clapper (the crotalus) at the words "Behold, the Lamb of God."

If all of the Sacred Hosts are not consumed at Communion, the Sacred Species remaining should be reposed without ceremony in the tabernacle of the Holy House by way of the Sacristy.

The Liturgy ends in silence, without blessing or dismissal.

See detailed ritual notes below.




Prostration - All lie down prostrate before the altar, for some moments

Salutation & Collect

Lesson, Psalm, & Epistle

The Passion

  • No responses before or after.

  • Either sung by 3 cantors, or by altar party. If the latter, the deacon asks celebrant's blessing,

  • Deacon takes his place at the pulpit

  • Father moves to the footpace

  • All kneel at mention of Our Lord’s death, for a moment


Solemn Prayers

  • The deacon sings the bidding

  • Father sings the collects

  • Father stays at his chair. Deacon is opposite at the Gospel-side chancel pew

  • With each bidding, there is a moment of kneeling & silent prayer

Collection / hymn


Retrieval of the Cross


  • Father stops three times: just inside the nave, then midway to the chancel, and last at the chancel step, each time intoning the verse and waiting as the response is said

  • Candle bearers remain on either side of the cross


  • After the last verse and response, Father removes his shoes and venerates the cross

  • Father may have the deacon hold the cross for his veneration

  • Father then moves into the chancel slightly for the deacons and the altar servers to venerate the cross

  • Deacons should have purificators

  • It is tradition to genuflect 3 times while approaching the cross (moving briskly).

  • Meanwhile, the choir descends from the loft and venerate the cross immediately after the altar party (moving briskly & quickly returning to the loft to sing the Reproaches)

  • MCs standing at the front pews direct the congregration

  • The people venerate next.

  • The candle bearers remain flanking the cross during veneration, the MCs should be mindful of them, and relieve them for a time if need be

  • As veneration nears the end, the acolyte should place fair linen, the corporal, and cross stand on the altar for placement of the cross and Holy Communion.

  • After veneration, the cross is placed in its stand on the altar and the lit candles are placed there also on either side

  • The sacred ministers wait until the Reproaches are sung to the end.



Retrieval of the Blessed Sacrament

General Confession

Lord’s Prayer

Behold the Lamb of God

Lord, I am not worthy (thrice)


Post-Communion Prayer

All then genuflect to the True Cross and depart by way of the sacristy in silence