Morning Prayer
Also known as: Matins
Divine office for the morning.
Choral matins is a service of morning prayer celebrated on Sundays in Advent and Lent between the 9:30 and 11:15 masses featuring the choir.
For Matins, only the office lights and pavement lights should be lit.
The liturgical color is the color of the season, or feast (if a feast day)
Proper: (DO 43)
Morning Prayer, or Matins, is typically prayed in the Holy House. When there is a large group it moves to the nave. In this case, the Officiant sits in the Bishop’s Chaplain’s seat closest to the chancel rail.
Vesture is usually in cassock and surplice, unless a Solemn Matins or Evensong at which the Deacon or Priest Officiant may wear a cope and stole over choir dress. On very special occasions, the priest may be assisted by deacon and acolyte all in albs with cope, dalmatic, and tunicle respectively.
Ensure that the proper psalm(s), collect(s), and readings for the day are prepared.
Only the office candles at the altar and the pavement lights should be lit.