Candlemas Form I: The Procession
The table with candles is set in the chancel (with tapers ready for the lighting)
Simple Entrance from the Sacristy: during the Entrance, only the processional candles are lighted.
Upon arriving at the sanctuary, the Celebrant, Ministers, and servers reverence the altar, as usual. But the Crucifer and Candle-bearers position themselves near the table: the Crucifer stands near the Gospel-side choir stall, while the Candle-bearers flank the table.
The hymn concluded, the Celebrant and Ministers turn to face the people, while the servers turn to face the table.
The Celebrant says The Lord be with you and proceeds to (1) say the Prayer of Blessing over the candles, (2) impose incense, (3) sprinkle the candles on the table with holy water, (4) then cense them
Meanwhile, as soon as the Celebrant concludes the Prayer of Blessing and as he is sprinkling and censing the candles, the Choir sings the antiphon To be a light with the Nunc dimittis, followed by the antiphon Exsurge Domini.
The Celebrant then lights a taper from one of the processional candles, as the choir begins the antiphon Ecce Dominus. The light is shared with the Deacon and Acolyte who light the candles for any Concelebrants and servers. Meanwhile, the Candle-bearers proceed with their processional candles down the nave, passing the fire to the people in the pews to light their hand-candles. At the same time, the MC and other servers take tapers and light the altar candles and pavement lights.
As the candles of the People are being lit, the processional party forms. The organist plays as necessary to cover the time until the Procession has formed and is ready. The Celebrant imposes and blesses incense. Clergy and additional servers stand with their lighted candles. Once the Candle-bearers return to the chancel gate and position themselves, flanking the Crucifer, the Celebrant facing the altar, at the foot, prays We beseech thee, O Lord …
The Deacon says Let us go forth in peace. The Procession sets in motion down the central aisle of the nave in a figure 8 throughout the nave.
The Choir sings the Antiphon Adorna thalamum, then Responsum accepit Simeon, and then as the procession returns to the chancel, Obtulerunt.
When the Procession returns to the chancel, all is as usual at the Entrance Procession. One of the MCs takes the candles of three sacred ministers.
The Celebrant changes from the cope to a chasuble for Mass, censing the altar, as usual, at the Introit.
The Mass continues with the Introit, Kyrie, Gloria, and Collect, omitting the Invocation, Collect for Purity, and Summary of the Law.
The Acolyte reads the Epistle (intones at the Solemn Mass)
The people keep their candles lighted up to and through the Gospel. Then their hand-candles are extinguished. The MC gradually raises the electric lights in the church to normal strength toward the end of the Gospel.
Mass continues as usual, and concludes with the Last Gospel (for the last time of the season).