Day of Pentecost
Also known as: Whitsunday
The liturgical color is red
The settingof the mass is Willan
the Propers of the mass are at DWM pg. 471
Mass begins with the Vidi aquam and rite of sprinkling. (DWM 1044)
The readings at the solemn mass are intoned, the Epistle by the acolyte if possible. At other masses the acolyte reads the Epistle.
On this day, all kneel at the second line of the Gospel Acclamation during the invocation of the Holy Spirit, at the words "Come, Holy Ghost, and fill the hearts of thy faithful people . . ."
Sequence: Veni, Sancte Spiritus -- Hymnal 109.
The Pentecost formula is used at the Communicantes (DWM pg. )
The Easter Dismissal is used
The acolyte extinguishes the Paschal Candle ceremoniously at the end of Mass, just after the dismissal. After the last mass, it is taken to the Baptistery.