Decorum and Deportment
Altar servers should perform their liturgical duties "digne, attente, devote," that is worthily, attentively, and devoutly, in body, mind, and heart. Your sacred duties require of you the greatest reverence in the sanctuary, the deepest attention to your duties, and the most zealous preparation of all your liturgical actions.
Those who minister in the sanctuary ought to be punctual in showing up with sufficient time before mass (at least fifteen minutes early), cheerful and cooperative in working with others, and ready to take directions from the celebrant, deacon, acolyte, or MC, as relevant.
Altar servers should understand themselves as stewards of the Sacred Liturgy, as instruments of the celebrant, and tools of Christ. Accordingly, those who thus conduct public worship must not draw attention to themselves but to God and to the sacred action of grace that God works through the liturgy. Servers should cultivate an attitude of self-effacement and anonymity. Anything that draws attention to the individual rather than to the corporate act of worship is a distraction and should be avoided.
Servants of the altar should also cultivate familiarity with the Liturgy of the Mass, its particular movement and rhythms, the requirements of its ritual actions, so that they can perform their duties with gracefully, smoothly, and efficiently.