Also known as: Collect of the Day, Opening Collect
Also known as: Collect of the Day, Opening Collect
Prayer at the end of the Introductory Rites, directly after the Gloria in Excelsis Deo.
Said by the celebrant at the altar just before leaving the altar for the Readings.
The text varies each Sunday. It is found in the altar missal, marked with a green ribbon.
During the Collect, servers should bow at "Jesus Christ".
The Collect of the Day
The Lord be with you
People: And with thy spirit.
The Priest, turning to the altar, then extends and joins his hands, saying:
Let us pray.
He sings or says the Collect of the Day, with hands extended, joining them for the conclusion of the prayer and bowing his head after the accustomed manner.
At the end of the Collect, the People respond:
The Priest, Sacred Ministers, and servers go to the sedilia.(DWM pg. 562)