Taperers Bearers at Solemn Mass
The taperers carry the processional candles (at the Entrance Procession, the Gospel Procession, and at the Recessional), and they also hold the torches during the Consecration and the Communion of the Faithful. In addition, they assist at the lavabo. Holding the torches during the consecration and communion is one of the most challenging duties a server can perform but also a singular honor. The taperers become living sanctuary lamps and beacons to all, signifying the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Sacred Species communicated to the faithful and circulating from the altar to the communion rail.
As directed by the MC or acolyte, they light the candles at the altar and the pavement lights in the designated order, taking care always to genuflect before the tabernacle.
At the appropriate moment, a full five minutes before mass starts, the taperers take their unlit processional candles and follow the other servers to the sacristy for the Preparatory Prayers.
Gathering before the entrance into the church, the MC assists the taperers in lighting their processional candles.
At the Entrance Procession, the taperers stand on either side of the crucifer, taking care to remain parallel with him in a straight line.
Upon arriving at the foot of the altar, and at the cue of the crucifer, the taperers bow slightly with him and then turn left and put their candles away in the vestry.
They then move directly to their places in the chancel pews.
The taperers should pay special attention to the MC and acolyte, taking care to make the appropriate reverences (bowing and signing the cross) as their example prompts.
Both taperers sit in the Epistle side choir stall, back pew, leaving space for the thurifer and boat boy to sit on their right, at the end of the pew.
During the Gradual Psalm, but before the Epistle begins, the taperers join the thurifer in exiting quietly into the vestry to prepare for the Gospel Procession
In the vestry the taperer take up their candles and wait for the Gospel Procession.
When the sacred ministers arrive at the foot of the altar, the candle bearers with their candles go to the chancel and stand, facing the altar, on either side of the deacon but slightly behind him.
As soon as the deacon turns with the Gospel Book, the taperers turn also.
They walk with the acolyte into the nave following the acolyte, and stand flanking the acolyte, turning inward to face the Gospel Book as the deacon gives it to the acolyte.
When the Gospel is finished, the taperers walk with the acolyte, on either side of the Gospel Book as the acolyte carries it to the foot of the altar.
At the foot of the altar, the candle bearers stop, bow and take one step back. As the acolyte turns to the left, the torch bearers both turn to the right and carry their candles back to the vestry.
Returning to the chancel, the taperers go to their places in the choir stalls, where they stand waiting until deacon and acolyte prompt them to sit for the homily. Everyone sits and rises simultaneously.
After the homily, the taperers rise with the other servers and then remain standing for the Creed and Prayers of the People.
At the Penitential Rite after the Prayers of the People, the taperers follow the example of the MC and acolyte in kneeling and bowing low. They kneel then upright for the Comfortable Words.
For the Blessing and Announcements, the taperers sit with the other servers in the chancel, and take their places as prompted by the MC.
When the ministers return to the foot of the altar, all of the servers join them there and genuflect.
The candle bearers wait at the foot of the altar through the censing of the gifts and altar, unless the Bishop is celebrating or there is no mitre and crozier bearer, in which case the candle bearers handle the plates and gates.
After the celebrant bids the Orate Fratres and as soon as the people make the response, the torch bearers with the thurifer between them genuflect and return to the vestry.
At the words "Therefore with Angels …" the torch bearers with the thurifer return to the foot of the altar, where they bow in the middle and immediately kneel on their cushions.
They remain kneeling throughout the Consecration. They bow their heads slightly after the ringing of the bell, but they should take special care to keep their torches stable, still, and upright.
When the Eucharistic Prayers are finished (at the Our Father), the torch bearers rise with the thurifer, bow to the altar, and return their torches to the vestry. The torches are now extinguished.
They go to their places at the foot of that altar.
When the ministers mover to communicate the people, the taperers move to their places in the chancel pews and kneel.
After the deacon sings the Dismissal, the taperers go promptly to get their processional candles. They take their places on either side of the crucifer standing with the cross in the midst of the chancel.
As soon as the celebrant genuflects and turns, the taperers with the crucifer turn also and lead the altar party out during the recessional hymn.
In the narthex, the taperers extinguish their candles and then kneel with the other servers to receive the celebrant’s blessing.
If there is not another mass immediately following, they go to extinguish the candles on the altar, as well as the pavement lights, in the designated order.
Back in the vestry, the torch bearers carefully hang their cassocks and surplices.