Server scheduling
Scheduling of regular Sunday masses is done by Mr Fitzgibbon
Scheduling of special services (Holy Days, wedding, funerals, etc) is done on a more ad hoc basis by Mr Fitzgibbon or the parish office, typically 1-2 weeks in advance.
Scheduling regular Sunday masses
The server schedule is prepared in two-month blocks, usually 1-2 weeks before the first of the month. For example, the schedule for September/October is prepared in the 3rd-4th weeks of August.
An email notifying all servers that it is time to prepare the next schedule is sent out by Mr Fitzgibbon. Servers are asked to respond with any dates when they expect to be UNAVAILABLE to serve at their regular mass time.
No response is assumed to mean that you are available for all dates.
Servers are welcome to request to serve on specific dates (e.g., when a sibling is being confirmed or grandma is in town), and we will accommodate these requests if at all possible.
A proposed schedule for the two-month period is sent out before the beginning of the first month. Servers should review this carefully and let Mr Fitzgibbon know if there are any errors or issues that need to be addressed.
If during the scheduling period you find you are unable to serve when scheduled, you should notify Mr Fitzgibbon immediately, AND reach out to other servers at your mass time to look for a possible substitute.
Each Saturday Mr Fitzgibbon sends out a reminder of the servers for the following day, including any last minute changes and special instructions.
All servers are encouraged to check in at the vestry before mass, even when not serving, to see if a last minute substitute is needed.
Scheduling special services
Most major holy days will have both a 12noon low mass and a 6:30pm solemn high mass, both requiring servers.
Christmas and Holy Week masses are particularly challenging to schedule and are done separately from regular Sunday masses. Being flexible in which mass you serve at these times is GREATLY appreciated.
Servers willing to help with the more difficult to serve mass times are given priority in choosing which mass they serve the next time.