Altar missal
Also known as:
Missal, Divine Worship: the Missal, Sacramentary, DWM
The red book containing the texts of the mass ( the Ordinary and the Proper). The celebrant or deacon reads the texts for the mass from the missal while standing at the altar. During the Liturgy of the Eucharist, the acolyte turns the pages and points to the text for the celebrant.
The missal typically rests on the missal stand on the altar during mass. When not on the altar, the missal is kept in the sacristy.
At the beginning of mass the missal is on the Epistle side of the altar placed square with the front edge of the altar. Just before the Gospel, the missal is moved to the Gospel side of the altar (and angled inward). It remains there until after the Post Communion Ablutions are complete when it is moved back to its original position.
The missal (and stand) are removed from the altar and held by the MC during the censings of the altar.
At a pontifical mass (i.e., when the Bishop celebrates) the missal is brought to the altar at the offertory and returned to the sacristy at the ablutions.
The acolyte should ensure that the missal ribbons have been placed in the right positions before mass begins. Typically these are (in order of use):
Red ribbon - Proper of the mass
Pink ribbon - Prayers of the People
Green ribbon - Penitential Rite
Yellow ribbon - Preface of the mass