Evening Prayer

Also known as: Evensong

Divine office for the evening.

The liturgical color is the color of the season, or feast (if a feast day)

Proper: (DO 69)

In Preparation

Arrive 5-10 minutes before Evening Prayer is scheduled to begin.

Vesture is usually in cassock and surplice, unless a Solemn Matins or Evensong at which the Deacon or Priest Officiant may wear a cope and stole over choir dress. On very special occasions, the priest may be assisted by deacon and acolyte all in albs with cope, dalmatic, and tunicle respectively.Ensure that you know the proper psalm(s), collect, and readings for the day.

Check that the readings are correctly marked in the bible on the lectern.

Check that the black binders with the order of evening prayer are set out. They should be in the two pre dieu in the Holy House

Check that there is a lit candle in the Holy House that you can use to light the candle lighter

Get the candle lighter taper from the vestry. At some point we may acquire a smaller taper specifically for use in the Holy House.

Evening prayer is typically in the Holy House. When there is a large group it moves to the nave. In this case, officiant sits in the Bishop’s Chaplain’s seat (closest to the chancel rail. In this case, nly the office candles at the altar and the pavement lights should be lit.


Enter the Holy House, genuflecting before the tabernacle, and go to a lit candle to light the taper.

Light the 4 office lights, starting with the epistle-side candle closest to the tabernacle, then the outer small candle (not the tall one), then cross to the Gospel side (genuflecting) and repeat starting again with the candle closest to the tabernacle.

Genuflect and move to the Gospel side pre dieu, placing the extinguished taper against the wall. Sit at the pre dieu until ready to begin. Check that everyone has a black binder.


Begin by standing and saying something like:

“Evening Prayer begins on page 69.” If necessary say “Please stand”

Say the opening sentence of your choice. It is a good idea to pick one sentence that you like, memorize it, and use it all of the time.

During the special seasons of the year, and on feasts and solemnities, there are proper opening sentences found on pp. 37-40.

Begin with the sign of the cross on the lips, saying “O Lord, open thou our lips”. Speak forcefully and without pausing at the comma. End with an expectant tone in your voice to encourage a response from the congregation. Say the response yourself if necessary.

Make the full sign of the cross at “O God, make speed to save us”. Again, do not pause at the comma.

All bow at the “Glory be…” and rise for “As it was…”

Continue with “Praise ye the Lord.”

All recite the Phos Hilaron together. Use the version “O GRACIOUS light,…” Bow at “Father, Son, and ..”

Be seated. Say “Please be seated” if needed.

The Psalm(s)

Introduce the psalm with something like:

“We will continue with Psalm XX on found on page YY. We will recite the psalm antiphonally, starting with the Gospel side; reciting the whole line with a pause at the asterisk.”

Begin with the first line. Pause for a full breath at the asterisk.

At the conclusion of the psalm, all say the “Glory be to the Father,…” together. Bowing while seated.

Repeat if there are additional psalms.

At the conclusion of the last psalm, rise on the last line in preparation for bowing at the final “Glory be to the Father,…”

The Lessons

Sit for the Lessons if there is a lector. Otherwise move to the lectern for the first lesson, genuflecting in front of the tabernacle on the way.

If necessary, say “Please be seated”

Begin with:

“A lesson from [state the full name of the book of the bible, eg “the first letter of St Paul to Timothy”, not “first Timothy”]

Conclude with:

“Here endeth the lesson”

Return to the pre dieu, genuflecting as you cross in front of the tabernacle.

At the pre dieu, if necessary say “please rise”

All recite the Magnificat together.

Bow at “..and holy is his Name”

Bow at “Glory be to the Father,..” said by all in unison.

Sit for the second lesson if there is a lector. Otherwise move to the lectern for the lesson, genuflecting in front of the tabernacle on the way.

If necessary, say “Please be seated”

Begin with:

“A lesson from [state the full name of the book of the bible, eg “the first letter of St Paul to Timothy”, not “first Timothy”]

Conclude with:

“Here endeth the lesson”

Return to the pre dieu, genuflecting as you cross in front of the tabernacle.

Stand for the Nunc Dimittus. If necessary say “please stand”

Make the sign of the cross at “Lord, now letteth thou…”

Bow at the “Glory be to the Father,..” said by all in unison

Remain standing for the Apostles’ Creed

Bow at “Jesus” and “Mary”. Make the sign of the cross at “the resurrection of the body”

The Prayers

Remain standing for:

“O Lord hear our prayer” and the response “And let our cry come unto thee”.

Kneel as you say “let us pray”

Say “Lord have mercy upon us”

Wait for response. Say the response if necessary.

Say “Lord have mercy upon us” and immediately begin the “Our Father,..” said in unison by all.

Remain kneeling.

Begin the suffrages with “O Lord, show thy mercy upon us”. Say the responses if necessary. It is better to stick with Suffrages A to avoid confusion unless you have a strong preference for one of the others.


Remain kneeling.

Say the Collect of the Day

Say the Second and Third Collects.

Say additional collects as you prefer. Keep in mind the time.

Continue with the General Thanksgiving if time permits. Said by all in unison.

Continue with the Prayer of St Chrysostom.

Say “Let us bless the Lord” and if necessary, say the response.

Making the sign of the cross say “The grace of our Lord…”

Marian Anthem

Introduce the appropriate Marian anthem, which is variable according the season of the year. The Salve is said during Trinitytide.

Rise and say:

“We conclude with the Salve Regina on page 87, in English”

Lead with “Hail, Holy Queen,…”

Bow at “Jesus” and “Mary”

Continue with “Pray for us…” and say the response if necessary.

Conclude with:

“Let us pray. Almighty and everlasting…”

Bow at “Mary”.

At the conclusion, take up the taper and extinguish the candles.

Return to the vestry.