Maundy Thursday
Also known as: Holy Thursday, Mass of the Lord's Supper
Liturgical color is white (or gold)
Proper: DWM 343
Setting is Plainsong and Old Scottish Chant for the Gloria
Pedilavium: Ubi Caritas
Procession to the Altar of Repose: Pange lingua
Stripping of the Altar: Deus, Deus meus (Ps 22)
The tabernacle stands open and empty at the beginning of Mass
Flowers on the reredos; veils are white
The Gloria is sung. Church bells and sanctus bells ring out joyously during the Gloria, after which all bells remain silent until the Gloria of the Easter Vigil.
After the Homily there follows the Pedilavium (Maundy)
The Creed is omitted, and Mass continues with the Prayers of the People.
The Penitential Rite is omitted.
Extra Hosts should be consecrated since Communion on Good Friday will be administered from the reserved Sacrament.
Intoned readings
Maundy Thursday forms at the Hanc igitur and the Qui, pridie
Transfer of the Blessed Sacrament to the Altar of Repose in St. Jude Hall
The lights are dimmed (or put out) for the Stripping of the Altar.
Silent adoration continues into the night at the Altar of Repose. The Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is customarily said at 11:00 P.M.
See detailed Ritual Notes
Preparations before mass
Appoint a 2nd thurifer, and two extra candle bearers for the procession to Altar of Repose
Today is a fitting time to appoint a tunicled crucifer if possible (even if the acolyte is used as well)
Have sacred oils ready to be carried in the entrance procession to the chancel
The tabernacle stands empty with the sanctuary lamp extinguished
The processional cross is veiled in white with a flower attached
Take away the gong; set in place the crotalus & Sanctus hand bells (both sets)
Place 12 chairs in the chancel along the gospel-side choir stall and epistle-side choir stall
Have ready towels, basin & ewer for the pedilavium
Place a table with soap, water, & towel for the celebrant to wash his hands after the pedilavium
Have ready extra hosts (400+) and an extra ciborium (for Good Friday Communion)
Place on the choir stall the white humeral veil(s)
Place the portable tabernacle at the Altar of Repose (in the Holy House) in front of the tabernacle
Set Altar of Repose as desired with candles, etc. – make sure to have a lighter & taper ready there
Place torch stands by the Altar of Repose
Have 10-12 copies of the Litany of the Sacred Heart ready near the altar of repose
Have sanctuary lamps lit in the vestry and sacristy for light during the stripping of the altar
Designate someone to work the church lights in the sacristy at the end of the liturgy
Entrance and introductory rites
The deacons will need to carry in the sacred oils from the chrism mass, to be simply placed in the sacristy
During the Gloria, the crucifer and MC ring the Sanctus hand bells throughout, vigorously at first, then a bit more quietly but consistently throughout
Gospel & Homily - as normal
Immediately after the homily the celebrant introduces the Pedilavium
The choir sings Ubi Caritas
12 men enter the chancel, sit in the chairs, removing their right shoe & sock
The celebrant removes his chasuble and maniple, which the acolyte drapes on the epistle-side choir stall.
The celebrant puts on a gremial
The celebrant genuflects to the tabernacle
MCs hand the towels, basin & ewer to the celebrant and deacons
At the completion of the pedilavium, the towels, basin & ewer are carried away to the sacristy by MCs
The celebrant genuflects to the tabernacle
The celebrant washes his hands off to the side
MCs remove soap and water
The Creed is omitted
Prayers of the People – as usual
The Penitential rite is omitted
Offertory - Remember the Alms basins
The crucifer uses the crotalus (clapper) where the gong would normally be struck (Sanctus, elevations, etc)
Use the preface of Holy Week or of the Body and Blood of Christ
Use the Maundy Thursday forms of the Communicantes, Hanc Igitur, Qui Pridie
All Maundy Thursday interpolations in the Roman Canon are found with the Maundy propers in the DWM (not in the Roman Canon itself)
MCs remove the chairs from the chancel discreetly at the Communion of the Faithful
Torch bearers remain in the sanctuary with torches after ablutions
During communion, the thurifer refreshes coals in the thurible
The second thurifer prepares a second thurible in the vestry, lighting coals
Sacristan lights candles and prepares the Altar of Repose
Communal Thanksgiving is omitted
Solemn translation of the Blessed Sacrament
After the ablutions, the celebrant says the Post-Communion Prayer
The altar missal is carried away to the sacristy by the MC
The thurifers and extra candle bearers take their places at the altar steps
The crucifer takes up the processional cross and remains by the stand
Both thurifers present themselves at the foot of the altar on either side of the celebrant and incense is laid on both thuribles
The celebrant censes the Blessed Sacrament in the ciborium, all kneeling
The crucifer comes to center, flanked by candle bearers, and moves to the front of the chancel, ready to process
Two torch bearers stand, at the ready, next to the two thurifers
The celebrant and deacon take up the ciboria enfolded in the humeral veils
To the singing of Pange Lingua, all process to the Altar of Repose
The procession will move very slowly through the nave to the Altar of Repose in the Holy House
The two MCs remain to extinguish altar candles and sanctuary lamp, and to dim church lights
The MC brings lights to little more than half-power upon the altar party’s exit from the sanctuary
Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament
In the Holy House, crucifer, candle bearers, and torch bearers briskly proceed through the outer door and to the sacristy/vestry, the torch bearers depositing their torches in the torch stands on either side of the Altar of Repose
The thurifers remain outside of the Holy House door, and kneel when the ciboria are placed on the Altar of Repose
The celebrant sets the ciborium in place at the Altar of Repose
The MC brings the lights down, nearly out, upon the altar party’s entry into the Holy House.
Singing of Tantum ergo Sacramentum
Taking off the humeral veil, the celebrant kneels, blesses the incense, & censes the Blessed Sacrament in the ciboria at the words “Genitori genitoque” -- then the second thurifer returns to stand outside the door with the other thurifer.
Some moments of adoration
Then the deacon places the ciborium in the Tabernacle of Reposition as the sanctuary lamp is lit
Servers divide into two equal groups, going into the sacristy and vestry.
The servers remove their surplices, keeping on cassocks, and stand at the ready in a line at the doors to the chancel
Stripping of the altar
The Rector stands at the center of the foot of the altar, in alb/violet stole carrying a bugia (small candle)
The Rector begins with an antiphon from DWM
The Rector directs the servers in removing items from the sanctuary and chancel.
The ornaments are removed in the following order:
The acolyte & MC remove the the altar frontal and the fair linen. Remember to first remove the rod behind the altar.
The altar candles, two by two, outside lights first
Flower vases (if any)
Gospel book and sacred vessels from the credence tables
Kneeling cushions from the altar steps
Communion cushions from the chancel step
Anything else movable
Servers enter and leave in pairs by the vestry and sacristy doors, as directed.
The Rector slowly moves backward through the chancel as things are removed, until he reaches the rail.
Continue this until all ornaments are removed.
Depart in silence.
The Rector is the last out. He makes a simple bow to the altar, blows out the candle, then leaves through the sacristy, shutting the door behind him rather loudly.
The MC turns lights completely out when the Rector blows out his candle.