Marian Procession
At the Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham, Marian processions are typically held after the principal mass on the Sunday of the May Crowning (usually first Sunday in May) and on the Solemnity of Title, the Feast of Our Lady of Walsingham.
In Chancel:
A cope for the Celebrant is laid on the Gospel-side choir screen.
The statue of OLW and the banner of OLW (with proper-fitting stand) are set in the chancel, Gospel-side, just before the Choir stall.
Ushers are designated to carry the litter bearing the statue in procession.
At Shrine:
Flowers adorn the outdoor shrine and its altar. The steps are swept and clean.
Set Altar and Office candles in place.
A table is set at the outdoor shrine. There the statue will be set after the procession.
A banner stand is set behind the table (make sure it fits the pole), for holding the banner after the procession.
NB: Choir notes are indicated in BOLD
Mass proceeds as usual; a Verger will escort lectors to the lectern, the Gospel procession into the nave, and the procession to the shrine.
At the end of Mass, the Celebrant says the Blessing, the Deacon does not pronounce the Dismissal.
Before the Blessing, the Choir descends from the loft and lines up at the back of the nave.
After the Blessing, the Cantor chants the anthem of OLW: “Hail, O Virgin Theotokos!”
Meanwhile, the Priest takes off his chasuble and puts on his cope, assisted by the Deacon and Clerk – He then charges the thurible.
At the same time, the Altar party lines up at the foot of the Altar, the MC carrying the banner; the Verger stands ready at the chancel rail.
At the same time, two (or four) ushers come to the chancel and take up the litter holding the statue of OLW. They stand to the side, ready to enter the procession behind the banner.
The Deacon then sings “Let us go forth in peace.” The Choir and People chant in response, “In the Name of Christ.”
Then the Choir begins singing the Litany as the procession begins.
The Thurifer, Crucifer, Candle-bearers, and servers, in formation, move into the nave, where they meet and follow the Verger.
The procession sets forth down the nave, as the Litany continues, out the front doors to the shrine, in the following order:
1) Verger
2) Thurifer
3) Crucifer & Candle-bearers
4) Other servers
5) Banner-bearer (MC)
6) Litter with the statue of OLW, carried by ushers
7) The Choir, singing
8) Concelebrating Priests
9) Celebrant
10) Deacon & Clerk
11) The People
Arriving at the shrine, the Banner-bearer and Candle-bearers stand just behind the table on which the litter bearing the statue is placed by the Ushers. The Banner is placed in the stand. The Candle-bearers remain standing at the back of the statue, on either side, facing each other. The Crucifer and other servers gather at the foot of the altar in their usual spaces, while the Choir assembles on the grass to the left.
The Thurifer, Clerk, Deacon, and Celebrant move to their usual spaces; Concelebrating Priests gather around.
After the Litany, the Celebrant prays Cardinal Mercier’s prayer to the Holy Spirit, ad Crucem.
The Celebrant then charges the thurible and censes the Altar, followed by the pilgrim statue of Our Lady.
Following the censing, the Celebrant speaks/intones the Stational Collect, ad Crucem.
The service concludes at the outdoor shrine with the recitation of the Angelus and singing of a closing Marian hymn.
The Celebrant, or Deacon, invites the People to join the picnic/reception, and without further ceremony the processional party and Choir make their way back to the church, by the Vestry and Sacristy doors to unvest. The Choir can go around the back of the church and enter by the Martyrs’ Chapel doors to go and unvest.
The statue and banner can remain at the outdoor shrine until the picnic/reception is over.