Vigil of Pentecost

Also known as: Whitsun Eve

The regular parish Vigil Mass is celebrated as usual with the appropriate propers.

This Extended Form of the Vigil of Pentecost is celebrated later in the evening and according to the rubrics found at DWM 462. Confirmations are customarily performed at this Mass.

The liturgical color is red

the setting of the mass is typically Willan

The Proper of the mass is at DWM pg.468

Note the special order of Mass for the Extended Vigil:

The priest, vested in white cope, introduces the Vigil from the sedilia

Four Old Testament Lessons are read (or intoned), each accompanied by a Tract and Collect

The sacred ministers prostrate themselves in the chancel, and then kneel for the Litany of Saints. The priest changes into the red chasuble.

The Introit is omitted, and the altar is incensed at the conclusion of the Litany.

The Collect for Purity, Summary of the Law, and the Kyrie are also omitted.

The Rite of Reception and Confirmation are administered according to the appropriate rubrics in DWOS. If there are no Confirmandi, then a memorial of Holy Baptism is performed (DWM 466 & 426)

After Confirmations, the Vidi Aquam and rite of sprinkling occur (DWM 1044).

The Penitential Rite and Prayers of the People are omitted

Pentecost form is used at the Communicantes

The Paschal Candle is not extinguished at the end of the Vigil Mass.