Palm Sunday Ritual Notes - Solemn Mass

Preparations before mass

Place a table with white cloth, palms & palm crosses at the Outdoor Shrine (preferably covered with the cloth, held down with stones)

The processional cross is UNVEILED with the palms attached

"Ox Blood" red chasuble and maniple are set on the choir stall

Have ready the aspersorium (to carry outdoors, or already with the palms outside)

Today would warrant a verger and a tunicled crucifer, if possible (even with an acolyte in service)

Order of Service

Process from the sacristy to the Outdoor Shrine – A few minutes beforehand, a deacon may want to remind those in the church that today’s liturgy begins outside

Servers array themselves in processional order in “the octagon”

Celebrant’s opening address

+ Salutation

Opening Collect

Blessing of incense

Blessing of the deacon                 

Censing the palm Gospel book

Deacon intones the Palm Gospel (NB- different intro) while the acolyte holds the book

Blessing of palms 

People receive blessed palms from ushers-- chanting of an appropriate psalm from DWM or graduale

 All Glory Laud & Honor – may sing another hymn first if necessary